"Our Mission is to Reduce Tuition!"
The Manhattan Christian School Foundation was founded in January of 1986, by some very foresighted saints: Wilbur Kimm, Joe H. Braaksma, Joe Danhof, and Elsie DeJong. Among themselves they raised $800 to go into the “Investment Pot.” A motion passed not to give the school any funds until there was a total of $50,000 in the Endowment Fund. The first year that the Foundation gave to Manhattan Christian School was for the 1992-93 school year, and totaled $3,196.
Some of the recent gifts given to Manhattan Christian School from the Foundation have been:
- 2016 $176,820 $638/student
- 2017 $165,200 $590/student
- 2018 $150,288 $516/student
In fact, in the past 26 years the Foundation has given a total of $2,512,321 to the MCS budget. In 1997, Montana Governor, Marc Racicot, learned that Montana was nearly last on a list of states in terms of Endowment Funds that could sustain the important work of Montana Charities such as the Manhattan Christian School Foundation. He formed a task force that led to one of the most creative tax law incentives in the entire United States. It is known as the Montana Tax Credit for Endowed Philanthropy. Every Montana Governor since has continued this practice and not allowed it to sunset, so that today you can make a gift to Manhattan Christian School Foundation Endowment Fund and enjoy the earnings and use of that very asset given to Manhattan Christian School Foundation plus generate a tax credit that will eliminate up to $10,000 of your annual state income tax bill and up to $20,000 for a husband and wife. By law, the Foundation can spend the earnings and growth of the Endowment Fund. However, the Foundation is not allowed to spend the principal.
Current Manhattan Christian School Foundation Board of Trustees:
- President: John Schutter, Jr.
- Vice President: Darin Hoekema
- Treasurer: Lauralee Alberda
- Secretary: Don Vaniman
- Trustee: Bill Kimm
- Trustee: Gary Dykstra
- Charitable Gift Consultant: Jim Soft, Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch Foundation
- Financial Advisor: Layne Hoekema, Ronald Blue Trust & Co.
"Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past; Only What’s Done for Christ Will Last"
This year's deadline to sign up is approaching quickly! Use the link below or check the Connections before October 31!
"Purpose Drive Estate Planning" - A guide by Kristin Bailey (11/19)
Contact Ron Hoekema at (406) 581-1460 or rb_hoekema@yahoo.com if you would like more information.